28. 3. 2013. Семинар: Ђорђе Радичевић


У четвртак 28. 3. 2013. у 11 часова у сали библиотеке Института за физику у Београду одржаће семинар:

Ђорђе Радичевић
Stanford University

New Developments in 3D Gauge Theories


Recent years have seen a resurgence of interest in three-dimensional gauge theories. New phase transitions, conformal points, and dualities have been discovered, and old results have been cast in new and intriguing forms. In this talk, I will review some of these recent results, focusing on the (physically most relevant) non-supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theories. I will touch upon the bearing of these results on studies of conformal field theories, condensed matter systems, and 4D gravitational theories.